Matthew Sleeth is a former emergency room doctor who returned to the faith of his childhood during a time of personal crisis and eventually became a pastor. In the course of that journey, he discovered the personal value of the weekly Sabbath and wrote 24/6 to share how it changed his life. Dr. Sleeth gives …
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Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is the most “Christian” of God’s Holy Convocations.
Tools to help you stay focused and productive in your Bible study, to help keep you from getting dragged into the weeds or becoming the instrument through which Satan causes someone else to fall. These will be simple, common-sense rules for Bible study.
Did Jesus make Peter the first Pope in Matthew 16? Or is there more to it?
Since Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses, are Christians still obligated to keep it? What is the relationship of gentiles to the Law?
Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is among the most pro-Torah books of the entire New Testament, but it is commonly taught as if it’s one of the most anti-Torah!
The how, when, were, and why of killing the Passover. Traditions can help us understand Scripture, but sometimes they just don’t fit.
Were the ceremonial laws of Moses ultimately abrogated when the Temple was destroyed in AD 70? The Apostles didn’t think so.
The rest that Yeshua gives is spiritual and emotional in nature. He alleviates our fears, heals our wounds, and enables us to develop a relationship with our Heavenly Father.
Are COVID-19 vaccines Biblically acceptable? Are they the Mark of the Beast?