- Deuteronomy 21:10-22:7
- Matthew 5:17-20
- Galatians 3:13-14
- Colossians 3:18-21
- Deuteronomy 22:8-23:25
- Matthew 5:27-30
- Luke 6:1
- Acts 10:9-48
- Philippians 2:1-11
- Philemon 1:8-22
- Colossians 3:22-25
- Revelation 17
- Deuteronomy 24:1-25:19
- Matthew 5:31-32
- Matthew 6:1-4
- Mark 10:1-12
- Luke 20:27-38
- 1 Timothy 5:1-19
Additional Reading
Videos Related to Parsha Ki Tetzei
- The King of Ai and the Image of God – What do you do with the body of a dead, wicked king? Joshua 8:28-29
- Joseph and Mary – Divorced Before They Were Even Married!? – Betrothal is not the same as engagement. In fact, God treats engagement almost the same as marriage. If a man has relations with a woman who is betrothed to another man, the penalty is the same as if she were married: death. The only way to end a Biblical betrothal is through divorce.
- What Is the Canon and Why Is It Closed? – We say that the Bible is a “closed canon” because, like any other measuring stick, if we keep changing it, nobody will have an objective standard they can use to evaluate extra-biblical works. In this video, I’m going to tell you why a having a closed canon is a very good thing.
- Marriage and Divorce in Matthew 19:3-9 – God’s Law as given through Moses explicitly allows divorce for sexual immorality, but that right shouldn’t be exercised until all other options have been exhausted. God hates divorce, just like he hates death, but both are still necessary in extreme cases. Yeshua’s main point was this: God instituted marriage. Don’t treat it casually. If you love God, then you will protect and cultivate your marriage.
- Proverbs 13:24 – How is it hateful to spare the rod? – This verse is very controversial today, but it wasn’t always. The anti-spanking movement that mostly started in the 1960s has created a generation of neurotic adults who have no understanding of God’s standards and very little understanding of basic cause and effect as it relates to life’s major decisions.
- Marriage and Resurrection in Matthew 22:23-32 – When the Sadducees tried to trap Yeshua using the levirate marriage law in Matthew 22, they put their ignorance of Scripture on full display. The very commandment they cited proved their foolishness.
- Under a Husband and Under the Law in Romans 7:1-3 – This passage does not say that the Law dies or that the commandments in the Law are not for all Christians today. It’s about authority relationships, not the applicability of Torah.
- Disputes and Disputers in Romans 16:17-18 – Religious people of all denominations are too quick to either label every different opinion as heresy or to quit one church for another as soon as the pastor says something they don’t like. We really need better coping skills.
Everything that Yeshua (aka Jesus) & the Apostles taught
Come with me as I draw out the connections that are so often missed |