- Leviticus 21
- Luke 10:30-37
- John 19:31-37
- Romans 7:1-2
- 1 Corinthians 6:15-20
- 1 Timothy 3
- Leviticus 22-23
- Matthew 12:1-14
- John 7:1-11
- 1 Corinthians 10:18-22
- Colossians 2:6-23
- 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15
- Revelation 21:9-27
- Leviticus 24:1-23
- Matthew 12:25-32
- Matthew 14:13-21
- Romans 12:16-21
Additional Reading
Videos Related to Parsha Emor
- The Gates of Proverbs 31 – Why is a statement about a man in the gates placed in the middle of a chapter about the ideal wife? Because without her, he wouldn’t be there. A man’s reputation and standing in the community is directly related to his wife’s competence, wisdom, and support. Be very careful in your choice of a mate. A good woman can make your life amazing. A bad woman can make your life miserable.
- Marriage and Resurrection in Matthew 22:23-32 – When the Sadducees tried to trap Yeshua using the levirate marriage law in Matthew 22, they put their ignorance of Scripture on full display. The very commandment they cited proved their foolishness.
- Under a Husband and Under the Law in Romans 7:1-3 – This passage does not say that the Law dies or that the commandments in the Law are not for all Christians today. It’s about authority relationships, not the applicability of Torah.
- Proverbs 31:1-9 and the Burdens of Authority – King Lemuel’s mother warned him against any indulgences in pleasures that might compromise his judgment, specifically women and alcohol. There’s nothing especially wrong with either one, but it’s important to keep everything in it’s proper time and proportion. And the greater your authority, the more disciplined you need to be.
- The Rules of Sabbath in Matthew 12:1-14 – If you find yourself worrying about exactly where the limit is between “allowed” and “forbidden”, then you’re missing the point of Shabbat. It’s a friendlier KYSS principle: Keep Your Sabbath Simple.
- Passover and Manna in Joshua 5:10-12 – There’s a lot going on in Joshua 5:10-12. If you don’t know the laws about Passover and First Fruits, you might miss it.
- The Spring Feasts with Ryan White – Ryan White joined the Common Sense Bible Study crew to talk about the history and prophetic significance of God’s Spring Feasts.
- Shavuot Calendar Controversies – Some people keep Shavuot on one day, some on another. Are some of those people simply rejecting the plain words of God?
- Shavuot: God’s Independence Day – Shavuot is a bit of an oddball among God’s feast days. It’s not clear from the biblical text exactly what it’s about, but there are some amazing parallels with the Exodus that give us some big clues.
- Shmini Atzeret – The Last Great Day before the Next Day – We usually say that Sukkot (aka Tabernacles) is the last of the Biblical Fall Feasts, but what about Shmini Atzeret, the Eighth Day Assembly that immediately follows Sukkot. We think of it as the eighth day of Sukkot, but the sacrifices and rules of Sukkot don’t apply on this day. It’s like a bonus reprieve from the trials of both the Wilderness and the Promised Land, an extra day we get to spend with God before returning to the battles of life.
- Colossians 2, the Sabbath, and God’s Appointed Times – This passage is often interpreted to mean God doesn’t care if his people keep any of his appointed times (Sabbath, Passover, etc.), but is that really a reasonable interpretation? Can God’s commandments be called “philosophy and empty deceit”?
- Matthew 9:14-17 and the Three Fasting Parables – What do garments and wineskins have to do with fasting? What did Yeshua mean by these parables? The key to understanding this passage is realizing that it contains no parables at all. The bridegroom, the garment, and the wineskins are analogies, not parables, and it’s important not to take an analogy further than the author intended.
- What Is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? – If there’s a sin that can never be forgiven, you need to know what it is so that you can avoid it! Fortunately, Matthew 12:31-32 contains a parallelism that defines that sin, and it is a really big deal. If you have already begun to slip into this sin, you need to get on your knees and into the Word ASAP!
- Don’t Avenge Yourselves – Romans 12:19 – “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord” does not mean we shouldn’t pursue justice or restitution, but it does mean that we shouldn’t be trying to get even, to make other people hurt just because they made us hurt. Our goal should always be to make the world a better place, not to make everyone equally miserable.