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Parsha Emor – Apostolic Readings, Links, and Videos

New Testament passages to study with Torah portion Emor (Leviticus 21-24), plus links to commentary and videos. Torah for Christians.


  • Leviticus 21
    • Luke 10:30-37
    • John 19:31-37
    • Romans 7:1-2
    • 1 Corinthians 6:15-20
    • 1 Timothy 3
  • Leviticus 22-23
    • Matthew 12:1-14
    • John 7:1-11
    • 1 Corinthians 10:18-22
    • Colossians 2:6-23
    • 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15
    • Revelation 21:9-27
  • Leviticus 24:1-23
    • Matthew 12:25-32
    • Matthew 14:13-21
    • Romans 12:16-21

Additional Reading

Videos Related to Parsha Emor

  • The Gates of Proverbs 31 – Why is a statement about a man in the gates placed in the middle of a chapter about the ideal wife? Because without her, he wouldn’t be there. A man’s reputation and standing in the community is directly related to his wife’s competence, wisdom, and support. Be very careful in your choice of a mate. A good woman can make your life amazing. A bad woman can make your life miserable.
  • Marriage and Resurrection in Matthew 22:23-32 – When the Sadducees tried to trap Yeshua using the levirate marriage law in Matthew 22, they put their ignorance of Scripture on full display. The very commandment they cited proved their foolishness.
  • Under a Husband and Under the Law in Romans 7:1-3 – This passage does not say that the Law dies or that the commandments in the Law are not for all Christians today. It’s about authority relationships, not the applicability of Torah.
  • Proverbs 31:1-9 and the Burdens of Authority – King Lemuel’s mother warned him against any indulgences in pleasures that might compromise his judgment, specifically women and alcohol. There’s nothing especially wrong with either one, but it’s important to keep everything in it’s proper time and proportion. And the greater your authority, the more disciplined you need to be.
  • The Rules of Sabbath in Matthew 12:1-14 – If you find yourself worrying about exactly where the limit is between “allowed” and “forbidden”, then you’re missing the point of Shabbat. It’s a friendlier KYSS principle: Keep Your Sabbath Simple.
  • Passover and Manna in Joshua 5:10-12 – There’s a lot going on in Joshua 5:10-12. If you don’t know the laws about Passover and First Fruits, you might miss it.
  • The Spring Feasts with Ryan White – Ryan White joined the Common Sense Bible Study crew to talk about the history and prophetic significance of God’s Spring Feasts.
  • Shavuot Calendar Controversies – Some people keep Shavuot on one day, some on another. Are some of those people simply rejecting the plain words of God?
  • Shavuot: God’s Independence Day – Shavuot is a bit of an oddball among God’s feast days. It’s not clear from the biblical text exactly what it’s about, but there are some amazing parallels with the Exodus that give us some big clues.
  • Shmini Atzeret – The Last Great Day before the Next Day – We usually say that Sukkot (aka Tabernacles) is the last of the Biblical Fall Feasts, but what about Shmini Atzeret, the Eighth Day Assembly that immediately follows Sukkot. We think of it as the eighth day of Sukkot, but the sacrifices and rules of Sukkot don’t apply on this day. It’s like a bonus reprieve from the trials of both the Wilderness and the Promised Land, an extra day we get to spend with God before returning to the battles of life.
  • Colossians 2, the Sabbath, and God’s Appointed Times – This passage is often interpreted to mean God doesn’t care if his people keep any of his appointed times (Sabbath, Passover, etc.), but is that really a reasonable interpretation? Can God’s commandments be called “philosophy and empty deceit”?
  • Matthew 9:14-17 and the Three Fasting Parables – What do garments and wineskins have to do with fasting? What did Yeshua mean by these parables? The key to understanding this passage is realizing that it contains no parables at all. The bridegroom, the garment, and the wineskins are analogies, not parables, and it’s important not to take an analogy further than the author intended.
  • What Is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? – If there’s a sin that can never be forgiven, you need to know what it is so that you can avoid it! Fortunately, Matthew 12:31-32 contains a parallelism that defines that sin, and it is a really big deal. If you have already begun to slip into this sin, you need to get on your knees and into the Word ASAP!
  • Don’t Avenge Yourselves – Romans 12:19 – “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord” does not mean we shouldn’t pursue justice or restitution, but it does mean that we shouldn’t be trying to get even, to make other people hurt just because they made us hurt. Our goal should always be to make the world a better place, not to make everyone equally miserable.

Parsha Behar – Apostolic Readings, Links, and Videos

New Testament passages to study with Torah portion Behar (Leviticus 25:1-26:2), plus links to commentary and videos.


  • Leviticus 25:1-38
    • Matthew 6:19-34
    • Luke 4:16-41
    • Ephesians 1:11-14
  • Leviticus 25:39-26:2
    • John 13:12-20
    • Romans 3:21-31
    • Ephesians 6:5-9
    • Colossians 3:1-17

Additional Reading

Videos Related to Parsha Behar

  • Everyone Serves Multiple Masters – Everyone serves multiple masters all the time, so what did Yeshua mean when he said “No one can serve two masters” in Matthew 6:24? Yeshua frequently used hyperbole in his teachings and this is a good example. He was using an exaggerated statement to teach this principle: When there’s a conflict in the instructions of two masters, what determines who you will obey? Is it money, security, prestige, etc.? Or is it God, the ultimate arbiter of all right and wrong?

Parsha Ha’azinu – Apostolic Readings, Links, and Videos

New Testament passages to study with Torah portion Ha'azinu (Deuteronomy 32), plus links to commentary and videos.


  • Deuteronomy 32
    • Luke 3:7-9
    • Luke 6:46-49
    • John 18:1-18
    • Romans 11:7-24
    • Jude 1:9
    • Revelation 11
    • Revelation 15

Additional Reading

Videos Related to Parsha Ha’azinu

  • Did Jesus Blaspheme in Matthew 9:1-8? – Matthew 9:1-8 is puzzling. What was blasphemous about telling a man his sins are forgiven? Were the scribes just mad because Yeshua was claiming to be God? It’s not that simple. To really understand what’s going on in this passage, you need to understand how the Jews believed sin and sickness were related.
  • Who Is the Guest without Wedding Garments in Matthew 22:1-14? – -In the parable of the royal wedding feast in Matthew 22:1-14, who is the guest without wedding clothes? How did he get into the feast and where exactly does the king command his servants to throw him?
  • Marriage and Resurrection in Matthew 22:23-32 – When the Sadducees tried to trap Yeshua using the levirate marriage law in Matthew 22, they put their ignorance of Scripture on full display. The very commandment they cited proved their foolishness.
  • Prophetic Patterns in Revelation – Tony Robinson of Restoration of Torah Ministries joined the Common Sense Bible Study community for a live conversation about the literary and thematic patterns that can help make sense of the Book of Revelation!
  • Paul, Jonah, and the Nations. Romans 11:11-12 – How did the failure of the Jews to accept their Messiah mean riches for the Gentiles? In the same way that the failure of Israel to repent in Jonah’s day meant riches for at least one generation of the people of Ninevah. The ministries of Paul and Jonah are parallel in many ways. Jonah can even be thought of as the first apostle to the nations, a foreshadowing of Paul’s ministry.
  • The Firstfruits and the Root in Romans 11:16 – What does “firstfruits” and “root” refer to in Romans 11:16? The context makes it clear. This chapter is talking about how God will never forsake the natural branches of Israel because of the promises he made to Israel’s patriarchs. The firstfruit of the dough and the root of the tree are the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
  • Native and Wild Branches in Romans 11:23-24 – Very few native branches of Israel were left on the tree after the first few centuries of Christianity, so that today both the native and the wild branches need to be grafted back into the olive tree of Israel. God has promised that he will restore the genetic descendants of Jacob, and he has the power to do it!

Parsha Shemot – Apostolic Readings, Links, and Videos

New Testament readings to study with Torah portion Sh'mot (Exodus 1-5), plus links to commentary and videos.


  • Exodus 1:1-2:25
    • Matthew 2:1-18
    • Luke 2:41-52
    • Acts 5:25-33
    • Acts 7:17-29
    • Acts 8:3-8
    • Romans 13:1-7
  • Exodus 3:1-4:13
    • Matthew 2:19-23
    • Mark 16:14-20
    • Luke 11:14-23
    • Acts 7:30-34
    • 1 Peter 2:15-21
  • Exodus 4:14-6:1
    • Matthew 11:27-30
    • Matthew 23:29-39
    • Romans 8:12-30

Additional Reading

Videos Related to Parsha Sh’mot

  • The Hebrews in Egypt with Dr. Douglas Petrovich – Is there really any evidence that the Hebrews lived in Egypt before the Exodus? Yes! Dr. Petrovich shared some of his research and thoughts with us in this live conversation.
  • When Is It OK to Lie? – There are times when it is OK to lie, according to the Bible, but those times are rare exceptions. Honesty is almost always better! Proverbs 1:10-19
  • The Man of Violence – Proverbs 3:31-32. God hates the man of violence, but what makes a man “of violence”?
  • YHWH Tsevaot in Joshua 5:13-15 – Was it an angel that appeared to Joshua in Joshua 5 or was it God himself?
  • Proverbs 22:1 and Choosing a Good Name – A “good name” doesn’t have anything to do with what’s printed on your birth certificate. You can choose a good name by behaving in ways that enhance your reputation as a representative of YHVH, and thereby honoring HIS name too.
  • Tyrants, the People, and God in Proverbs 14:28 – Even the worst tyrants have to provide for a majority of their people or they will be deposed. The Technomafia wants to sidestep this principle by imposing total control of thought and speech over all people on earth, turning every human being into a slave with no will or liberties that the Technomafiosos don’t allow. How can we fight this? First by trusting in God. Second by openly proclaiming Truth no matter what.
  • Proverbs 26:13-16 and the Causes and Solutions to Laziness – The causes of laziness have solutions or at least tools to help manage them. The solution to most laziness is to identify and address the root causes and then adjust your expectations of the world through experience and faith in your Creator’s plan.
  • Matthew 9:32-33 and the Demon-Possessed Mute – Is all sickness caused by demons or just some? What about mental illness and neurological disorders? Some people teach that all (or most) sickness is caused by your sin or by demons, but the Bible doesn’t support that idea. Although sin and demons do cause some illness, most is just a malfunction of hardware or software or both. Fortunately, scripture also has some advice about minimizing illness in your life, no matter what the cause might be.
  • Jesus Will Open Your Eyes if You Let Him – Matthew 20:29-34 – When the crowd on the road from Jericho tried to quiet the two blind men who begged Yeshua to open their eyes, they demonstrated that they were even more blind themselves. Yeshua will open your eyes if you let him, but he will also let you hold onto your blindness despite your pleas if you refuse to see what he shows you.
  • Is Hosea 11:1 about Jesus or Israel? – In Matthew 2:15, Matthew quotes Hosea 11:1, “out of Egypt I called my son.” The original text was a prophecy about the people of Israel, but he attributes it to Jesus, aka Yeshua. Once you understand the nature of Biblical prophecy, you can see why Matthew’s application of Hosea was legitimate and perfectly aligned with how prophecy works throughout the Old Testament.
  • The Revelation of the Wicked in Matthew 23:13-39 – God allows the righteous to be persecuted for to refine them and to reveal the hearts of the wicked. Don’t be afraid of persecution. Don’t seek it out, but welcome it when it comes, because it means that God is refining you and preparing to judge the wicked.
  • A Chiasm on Sons and Slaves in Romans 8:12-17 – Paul uses the word spirit (pneuma) six times in this short passage, and he uses it in multiple ways. They don’t all refer to God’s Spirit, not even when most translations capitalize the word. There’s a chiasm in these verses that might help you see the idea that Paul was trying to explain.

Parsha Va’eira – Apostolic Readings, Links, and Videos

New Testament passages to study with Torah portion Va'eira (Exodus 6-9), plus commentary and videos.


  • Exodus 6:2-7:18
    • Matthew 10:16-20
    • Luke 1:67-80
    • Acts 8:4-25
    • Romans 2:26-29
  • Exodus 7:19-8:19 (English) / 8:15 (Hebrew)
    • Matthew 10:5-15
    • John 2:1-13
    • Revelation 8:8-9
    • Revelation 16:3-7
    • Revelation 16:12-16
  • Exodus 8:20-9:35 (English) / 8:16-9:35 (Hebrew)
    • Romans 9:17-24
    • 1 Timothy 2:1-4
    • Revelation 8:7
    • Revelation 16:2
    • Revelation 16:8-9
    • Revelation 16:17-21

Additional Reading

Videos Related to Parsha Va’eira

  • The Wisdom and Kindness of Serpents (Matthew 10:16-20) – What does it mean to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves? Well, one thing it definitely doesn’t mean it’s to be venomous and offensive. If you are living a life in the footsteps of Messiah Yeshua, the world will hate you. But the people of the world aren’t necessarily your enemies. They are under the sway of your enemy; their minds are held captive by someone who hates them as much as he hates you.
  • Signs Pointing to God, Matthew 16:1-12 – Yeshua didn’t do miracles to entertain anyone. Everything he did was intended to teach us about God and his plan of redemption. The world is full of signs pointing to God if you’re willing to see them. Some people just refuse to open their eyes.

Parsha Bo – Apostolic Readings, Links, and Videos

New Testament readings to study with Torah portion Bo, plus links to commentary and videos.


  • Exodus 10:1-12:12
    • Matthew 13:10-17
    • Matthew 21:1-17
    • Luke 1:76-79
    • John 8:12-19
    • Romans 11:7-10
    • Revelation 9:3-12
    • Revelation 16:10-11
  • Exodus 12:13-28
    • Matthew 26
    • Matthew 27:11-36
    • Mark 10:13-16
    • 1 Corinthians 5:6-13
  • Exodus 12:29-51
    • Matthew 24:15-31
    • John 10:7-18
    • John 19:31-37
    • Ephesians 2:11-22
    • Colossians 1:15-23
  • Exodus 13:1-16
    • Matthew 16:5-12
    • Mark 14:12-31
    • Colossians 1:13-23
    • Colossians 3:5-17

Additional Reading

Videos Related to Parsha Bo

  • Passover and Manna in Joshua 5:10-12 – There’s a lot going on in Joshua 5:10-12. If you don’t know the laws about Passover and First Fruits, you might miss it.
  • The Reproach of Egypt in Joshua 5:9 – God said he had removed the reproach of Egypt from Israel. What does that mean and what does it have to do with Gilgal?
  • What Needs to Be Removed Prior to Passover and Unleavened Bread? – There are two Hebrew words in Exodus 12:15 that define what you need to remove from your home for Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread: chometz and seor.
  • Faith and Circumcision in Romans and Galatians – We know that Paul was not completely opposed to circumcision because he said so and he circumcised Timothy himself. So how can we reconcile the seemingly conflicting statements in Romans 2:25 Galatians 5:6? The answer is in the statements themselves: faith and obedience.
  • Colossians 2, the Sabbath, and God’s Appointed Times – This passage is often interpreted to mean God doesn’t care if his people keep any of his appointed times (Sabbath, Passover, etc.), but is that really a reasonable interpretation? Can God’s commandments be called “philosophy and empty deceit”?
  • Has the Abomination of Desolation in Matthew 24 Already Happened? – Yeshua said that, when we see the Abomination of Desolation prophesied in Daniel 11:31, those in Judea should immediately flee to the mountains, that the greatest tribulation mankind has ever seen is about to begin. There are four general ways to interpret all Biblical prohecy, but only one of them fits what Yeshua said in this chapter.
  • Don’t Be Deceived – Matthew 24:23-28 – Yeshua said that his second coming will be like lightning in the sky. Everyone will see it. How can you avoid being deceived by counterfeits? By knowing the real thing. Yeshua isn’t just a miracle worker. He forgives sins, keeps and teaches the commandments, keeps the Sabbath, defends the weak, and rebukes oppressors and the perverse. If you want to be sure you know the Messiah when he comes, study his life and the signs he warned us about.

Parsha Noach – Apostolic Readings, Commentary, and Videos

New Testament readings to study with Torah portion Noach, Genesis 6:9-11:32, plus links to commentary and videos.


  • Genesis 6:9-7:24
    • Matthew 24:1-25:30
    • Luke 17:20-37
    • Romans 1:8-2:29
    • Hebrews 11:6-7
    • 1 Peter 3:17-22
    • 2 Peter 2:4-3:13
  • Genesis 8:1-14
    • Galatians 6:1-10
    • Hebrews 12:3-17
  • Genesis 8:15-9:17
    • John 16:25-33
    • 2 Peter 3:14-18
  • Genesis 9:18-10:32
    • Luke 1:5-17
    • 1 Corinthians 6:5-11
    • 1 Timothy 1:8-11
  • Genesis 11:1-32
    • Matthew 25:31-46
    • Acts 2
    • Acts 7:2-4
    • Revelation 21:23-27

Additional Reading

Videos Related to Parsha Noach

  • Noach and the 8 Elements of a Covenant – God’s covenants appear to be made up of 8 major elements. His covenant with Noah in Genesis 6-9 is a great illustration.
  • Apostacy, False Prophets, and the Gospel in Mathew 24 – We are living in dark times. Churches are teaching anti-Christ doctrines, false prophets are multiplying, lawlessness is everywhere, and nobody seems to know what the Gospel is. Our job is to keep preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom (which might not be what you think!) and to persevere in faithful obedience until the end.
  • Has the Abomination of Desolation in Matthew 24 Already Happened? – Yeshua said that, when we see the Abomination of Desolation prophesied in Daniel 11:31, those in Judea should immediately flee to the mountains, that the greatest tribulation mankind has ever seen is about to begin. There are four general ways to interpret all Biblical prophecy, but only one of them fits what Yeshua said in this chapter.
  • Don’t Be Deceived – Matthew 24:23-28 – Yeshua said that his second coming will be like lightning in the sky. Everyone will see it. How can you avoid being deceived by counterfeits? By knowing the real thing. Yeshua isn’t just a miracle worker. He forgives sins, keeps and teaches the commandments, keeps the Sabbath, defends the weak, and rebukes oppressors and the perverse. If you want to be sure you know the Messiah when he comes, study his life and the signs he warned us about.
  • Sun, Moon, Stars, and the Sign of the Son of Man in Matthew 24:29-31 – Letting the Bible define its own terms can really help make sense of difficult passages like this one. Where else does the Bible talk about the sun, moon, and stars going dark, especially as it relates to prophecy? Most notably in Isaiah 11, 13, 24, Zechariah, and Revelation.
  • No One Knows the Day and Hour, Matthew 24:32-51 – Understanding who wrote a book of the Bible and why can really help you understand the book itself. In our first week looking at Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, I talk about Paul’s history up to this point and what was happening in his life and in Rome that prompted him to write.
  • The Dangers of Wine and Kings in Proverbs 20:1-2 – These two verses are arranged in a parallelism that illustrates how all alcohol and government are both dangerous servants and fearful masters. In the wrong context, at the wrong time, or too much of either one can do far more harm than good.
  • Pride Invites Destruction – Proverbs 16:18 – Pride doesn’t just come before a fall; it invites it by drawing God’s ire. If you want to leave a lasting legacy, humble yourself and align your goals with God’s.

Parsha Bereishit – Apostolic Readings, Links, and Videos

New Testament readings for Torah portion Bereshit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), plus links to commentary and videos.


  • Genesis 1:1-2:3
    • Mark 2:23-3:6
    • John 1:1-15
    • John 8:39-59
    • Colossians 1:13-23
  • Genesis 2:4-3:24
    • Matthew 19:3-6
    • Romans 5
    • 1 Corinthians 15:12-58
    • 1 Timothy 2
    • Revelation 21
  • Genesis 4:1-26
    • Romans 6:1-18
    • Hebrews 11:1-6
    • 1 John 3:11-24
  • Genesis 5:1-6:8
    • Luke 1:68-79
    • Titus 2:11-15
    • Jude 1:3-23

Additional Reading

Video Teachings Related to Parsha Bereishit

  • Prophetic Significance of Feeding the Four Thousand in Matthew 15:32-39 – Three days, a desolate place, seven loaves, fish, and four thousand families… The elements of this great miracle aren’t arbitrary. It’s a prophecy of the Kingdom of God.
  • Get Your Hands Dirty – Adam was created to be a gardener. Dirt is part of who we are in our core, and people will tend to be happier and healthier if they get their hands dirty now and then.
  • Proverbs 18:1 – You weren’t meant to be alone – Whether you are a loner, introvert, or extravert, you weren’t created to be alone. You need family and community to be healthy and to fully meet your purpose in the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Genesis 2:1-3 – The Sabbath Predates Creation – Everything God does is planned; everything is in order. He created the world on a timetable with each element created on a specific day for a purpose. God could have made everything in a single instant, yet he designed a process that required seven days. He didn’t reach the end of the sixth day and say to himself, “Whew! I need a break!” The Seventh Day Sabbath (not the first day or the fourth day) was an inherent part of God’s perfect plan from before Creation.
  • Marriage and Divorce in Matthew 19:3-9 – God’s Law as given through Moses explicitly allows divorce for sexual immorality, but that right shouldn’t be exercised until all other options have been exhausted. God hates divorce, just like he hates death, but both are still necessary in extreme cases. Yeshua’s main point was this: God instituted marriage. Don’t treat it casually. If you love God, then you will protect and cultivate your marriage.
  • Proverbs 31:1-9 and the Burdens of Authority – King Lemuel’s mother warned him against any indulgences in pleasures that might compromise his judgment, specifically women and alcohol. There’s nothing especially wrong with either one, but it’s important to keep everything in it’s proper time and proportion. And the greater your authority, the more disciplined you need to be.
  • Sin, Grace, and Law in Romans 5:20-21 – Adam’s sin brought death to all men, and that corruption leads all men to sin, subjecting them to the power of sin and death, which is the power of the Law to condemn. On the other hand, Yeshua’s death enables God’s grace to forgive our sin, releasing us from the Law’s power to condemn, but not from its power to teach us right from wrong.
  • Are You under Law or Under Grace? Romans 6:14 – Being “under law” is the same as being under the dominion of sin. If you are an unrepentant sinner, then you are under law. If you have repented of sin and been forgiven, then you are set free from the dominion of sin and are no longer under law. This doesn’t mean that the Law is no longer a guide to righteous behavior as v15 states plainly, but that it no longer has authority to condemn you.
  • Romans 8:18-23 and the Resurrection of Creation – Several places in Scripture talk about how Creation longs for the day when God judges the world and everything is restored. Paul and John tell us that Creation won’t just be restored, but will be resurrected and glorified just like us. The end is a mirror image of the beginning, but bigger and better!
  • A Little Bitter Makes Your Whole Life Sweeter – People are resilient. They tend to adapt and become accustomed to whatever circumstances life puts them in. Because of this, a life of too much ease creates weak men. If you want to be happy, strong, and able to withstand whatever curve balls come your way, you’re better off seeking out challenges and hardships in measured, controlled doses before truly hard times come and knock you on your backside. A lesson from Proverbs 27:7.
  • The Book of the Genesis of Jesus – The Gospel of Matthew begins with a clear reference to Genesis 5, but you can only see it in the Greek. One of the lessons we can derive from these two genealogies is that God knew we would fail from the very beginning and he planned for our redemption, telling us all about it through his interaction with mankind in history.
  • Divine Genocide in Joshua 11 – God said, “Thou shall not kill”, but he told Joshua to kill every living person in Canaan. What’s up with that?
  • Paul’s Obligation of Service in Romans 1:14 – The world is chaos and our assignment is to bring spiritual order by restoring people to their Creator. When God gives you a task, he necessarily gives you the authority required to carry out that task. Always keep in mind that such authority is never inherent in the person and that it is always given for the benefit of the Kingdom of God and its citizens.

Parsha T’rumah – Apostolic Readings, Links, and Videos

New Testament passages to study with Torah portion Terumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19), plus links to commentary and videos.


  • Exodus 25:1-26:30
    • John 6:5-15
    • 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
    • 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
    • Hebrews 9:1-12
    • Revelation 1:17-20
  • Exodus 26:31-27:19
    • Luke 23:44-49
    • John 5:19-29
    • John 14:1-7
    • Hebrews 10:19-22
    • Revelation 2:18-29

Further Reading:

Videos Related to Parsha T’rumah:

  • Father, Son, and Spirit in Matthew 3:16-17 – The anatomy of God is hinted at throughout Scripture, but never directly discussed. I don’t think “YHWH is one” is relevant, because both sides agree on that and it isn’t talking about God’s anatomy. Most of the passages that fuel the Trinitarian vs Unitarian debate can be reasonably interpreted to favor either side. Matthew 3:16-17, for example, shows Father, Son, and Spirit in three forms in the same place and time, but that’s only evidence for one side or the other if you presuppose your own conclusions.
  • The Crucible of Hearts – God knows you inside and out. He knows what you’re made of. But in order for you to reach your full potential in the Kingdom, he has to transform your raw material into something pure and useful. He has to melt you down in the fire and hammer you into shape.
  • Defeating Laziness – Defeating laziness when you really want to stop being lazy. Proverbs 6:6-11

Parsha Bechukotai – Apostolic Readings, Links, and Videos

New Testament passages to study with Torah portion Bechukotai, Leviticus 26:3-27:34, plus links to commentary and teaching videos.


  • Leviticus 26:3-46
    • Matthew 9:18-26
    • Luke 10:1-20
    • Ephesians 3
  • Leviticus 27
    • 1 Corinthians 1
    • Titus 3

Additional Reading

Videos Related to Parsha Bechukotai

  • Has the Abomination of Desolation in Matthew 24 Already Happened? – Yeshua said that, when we see the Abomination of Desolation prophesied in Daniel 11:31, those in Judea should immediately flee to the mountains, that the greatest tribulation mankind has ever seen is about to begin. There are four general ways to interpret all Biblical prohecy, but only one of them fits what Yeshua said in this chapter.
  • Joshua 23:4-8 and Thanksgiving – What’s the best way to express our gratitude for all that God has given us?
  • Sin, Grace, and Law in Romans 5:20-21 – God didn’t give Moses his Law in order to create sin where it didn’t exist before, but to magnify the sin we were already committing, so that nobody could deny it. Once we are made aware of our sin by the witness of the written commandments, we are also made aware of our need for God’s grace.