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Parsha Miketz – Apostolic Readings, Commentary, and Videos

New Testament passages to study with Torah portion Mikeitz, with links to related commentary and videos.


  • Genesis 41:1-37
    • Luke 4:16-30
    • John 2:18-22
    • Revelation 18
  • Genesis 41:38-42:17
    • Matthew 2:13-23
    • Matthew 5:2-12
    • Luke 22:66-70
    • Acts 11:27-30
  • Genesis 42:18-43:23
    • Matthew 19:28-30
    • John 2:23-25
    • 2 Corinthians 1:3-6
  • Genesis 43:24-44:17
    • John 8:14-19
    • Romans 3:9-26
    • Revelation 20:12-13

Additional Reading

Videos Related to Parsha Miketz

  • Joseph as a Prophecy of Jesus – Joseph’s life is one of the clearest living prophecies of the Messiah in all of Scripture. There are remarkable parallels between Joseph, Daniel, David, and #Yeshua, but especially between Joseph and Yeshua (aka #Jesus).
  • Reuben’s Ambition – Reuben’s actions and words in Genesis seem random and a bit crazy until you put them all together, and then they start to form a consistent pattern. Reuben was a firstborn son who saw himself being bypassed by his younger brothers. Most of his seemingly bizarre interactions with Jacob, Bilhah, Joseph, and Benjamin can be explained as a series of attempts to regain his position at the head of the family.
  • Romans 3:19 and Calvinism vs Arminianism – Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is ground zero for the Calvinism vs Arminianism debate. Does God choose who will believe? Or does he choose those who believe? Does it even matter in any tangible way?
  • Do you have any control over your salvation? Romans 3:21-28 – Your eternal fate is solely at God’s discretion. He adopts us as sons or he doesn’t. However, God has told us that he will save or condemn us based on our faith in him and also that we can be disinherited for rejecting him.

Everything that Yeshua (aka Jesus) & the Apostles taught
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